Rotary Weekend of Friendship in Buxtehude

Freitag, 29. Mai 2015 - Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015, Buxtehude (Germany)
Referenten/innen: Rotary Weekend of Friendship May 29th to May 31st 2015 in Buxtehude

Dear friends of

Rotary Club  Bekkelaget,

Rotary Club Evesham

Rotary Club Geraardsbergen-Oudenberg and

Rotary Club Krimpenerwaard West

please accept our heartfelt invitation to our  five-country-meeting – or - Rotary Weekend of Friendship 2015  in Buxtehude.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the afternoon of Friday,  May 29th, in our Club Meeting House, the Seeburg in Buxtehude where official welcoming will start as of 16.30 hrs. ( 4.30 pm).
Please find attached the programme of the meeting, which we have this time, due to the fact, that we are expecting  quite a few friends who are new to our international  doings putting an emphasis

on local whereabouts, customs and history around Buxtehude itself. We hope you will be enjoying this, just as we did in preparations.

As is the custom, we are looking forward to welcome four couples (or eight people) from each club and we have been arranging that there will be accommodation

either with friends or in our local Hotel-Gem, the Navigare, according to your respective wishes. In order to help with the smooth arrangement of things, please do let us know latest by April 15th,

who will be attending and what your respective preferences for accommodation are. (Please fill in attached file)

In due course you will receive further  final detailed arrangements from us (Ulli Mayntz and me have the honour to arrange things for us , this year) latest in the first days of May. The agenda of presidents meeting will be distributed at the same time.

In case you have any questions or requests etc. please do not hesitate to contact Ulli Mayntz (; Tel +49 (0) 4161 84893; Mobile: +49 (0) 170 6074037) or me.

With Rotarian Greetings from Buxtehude
